Bennu Gardens

Our Mission:

Rebirthing A Community One Neighbor At A Time.

Bennu Gardens addresses critical national issues including, inclusive economic empowerment, the decline in locally grown agriculture, a growing concern for the well-being and productivity of youth, and the need to create sustainable and healthy underserved communities through food and the land.




Our Mission

Bennu Gardens addresses critical national issues including, inclusive economic empowerment, the decline in locally grown agriculture, a growing concern for the well-being and productivity of youth, and the need to create sustainable and healthy underserved communities through food and the land.




Our Projects

In the process of growing food together, our projects have created  community opportunities which bridge the city and farmland, are respectful and productive, and model hope and purpose. Each project is committed to expanding our local food production, distribution network and collaborators while creating materials, workshops and education for those who wish to contribute to improving healthy food access and security in their communities. Our projects teach how one can love the land and its bounty and how to care for and respect the rich matrix of life to which we all belong. In doing this, we as individuals and as a society grow and develop in healthy and sustainable ways.


Urban Agriculture youth institute at BENNU

The Urban Agriculture Youth Institute promotes awareness about the benefits of gardening and holistic nutrition, the process of urban farming, and to inspire an agripenuerial spirit among our urban youth through hands on programming throughout the school year and summer.




nebedaye moringa farm

The Nebedaye Moringa Farm, based on our sister property in Indian Trail, addresses food insecurity issues and quality of life in underserved areas of Charlotte by growing high value Moringa crops for appropriate practical trades and market products.  Through sustainable agricultural best practices, the project offers sustained productivity in harmony with the environment.


CAMP NORTH END farmers market

Catch our sister property, Nebedaye Farms, at the Camp North End Farmer’s Market on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. You’ll be able to find everything from our freshly picked blueberries to our famous black garlic jelly.  Our stand is student led by participants in the  Urban Ag Youth Initiative project as part of their agripenuership training. 

LOCATED 300 Camp Rd, Charlotte, NC 28206



“It is, in every way, in the best interest of urban consumers to be surrounded by productive land, well farmed and well maintained by thriving farm families in thriving farm communities.”

-- Wendell Berry





Get Involved

Bennu Gardens relies on community volunteers to help us achieve our goal of creating a more just and sustainable food system. Whether you want to help your community, learn more about growing food, or just spend time outside, Bennu Gardens offers many opportunities for individuals and groups to get involved.

Volunteers learn about Bennu Gardens and our mission, and help with tasks such as planting, weeding, harvesting, washing vegetables, and preparing beds.

Our volunteers range from college students experiencing service learning to corporate offices enjoying a day of team building to groups of friends escaping to the farm to spend some quality time together.